He Might Be a Serial Cheater If...
...He won't meet your eye. Guys who have a
...He won't meet your eye. Guys who have a
history of cheating
often ooze signs of deception, like refusing to meet your eye, smiling
at other women when you're talking, or being vague about details.

He Might Be Insecure If...
...He touches you a lot. Men who aren't comfortable with themselves can be too needy, and touching your arm, shoulders, and back a ton subconsciously signals that he's trying to grab onto you. These guys look down a lot, too.
He Might Be Controlling If...
...He's in your personal space without being invited. Controlling dudes also tend to be loud and make big body movements to indicate that they're calling the shots (in their minds, at least).

He Might Be Selfish If...
...He walks in front of you. Guys who charge ahead subconsciously signal that they expect you to keep up with them. Not walking anywhere with him? Keep an eye out for preening gestures, like smoothing his hair back a lot or sneaking glances at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Also, be wary of men who say "I" a lot—it's a sign that he's No. 1 on his priority list.

He Might Be The Jealous Type If...
...He stares at you a lot. Meeting your eye is one thing, but possessive dudes will make eye contact that's a little too intense. This is a sign he subconsciously feels like you belong to him.
He Might Be Insecure If...
...He touches you a lot. Men who aren't comfortable with themselves can be too needy, and touching your arm, shoulders, and back a ton subconsciously signals that he's trying to grab onto you. These guys look down a lot, too.
...He's in your personal space without being invited. Controlling dudes also tend to be loud and make big body movements to indicate that they're calling the shots (in their minds, at least).
He Might Be Selfish If...
...He walks in front of you. Guys who charge ahead subconsciously signal that they expect you to keep up with them. Not walking anywhere with him? Keep an eye out for preening gestures, like smoothing his hair back a lot or sneaking glances at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Also, be wary of men who say "I" a lot—it's a sign that he's No. 1 on his priority list.
He Might Be The Jealous Type If...
...He stares at you a lot. Meeting your eye is one thing, but possessive dudes will make eye contact that's a little too intense. This is a sign he subconsciously feels like you belong to him.