Production on Season 6 of "Jersey Shore" is set to begin this summer in Seaside Heights, with ALL of the cast members in
attendance.Yes, that includes the little one with the bun in the oven. What? You thought the series was a wrap once Snooki announced she was pregnant? Being a baby mama doesn't mean you can't have some fun in the sun! And now that we know her castmates are perfectly capable of babysitting, it should all be smooth sailing. Right? Don't expect Snooks to be doing the Jersey Turnpike at Karma or getting into any more food fights (actually, that very well could take place), but the rest of her housemates are eager to get back to business as usual. "While things will definitely be a little different this time when they hit the boardwalk, their trademark hilarity and family dysfunction will remain the same," said MTV's press department in a statement released today. And that's all you get for now.